Although auto repair shops are the go-to places for fixing up cars, not every car issue warrants a visit to an auto repair shop. Knowing how to do simple car repairs will help keep your vehicle running smoothly and efficiently and allow you to save money on auto repair costs.
Changing a flat tire is one of those car repair jobs you can tackle, but it does involve jacking up your car, so careful forethought is necessary to do it safely. Read along to learn how to replace a tire correctly.
Find A Safe Spot To Park Your Car
If your tire has gone flat in the garage or the driveway of your home, feel free to skip this step. But if you experience a flat on the road, your first priority should be to find a safe place to park the vehicle.
Once you safely pull over to the side of the road, engage the handbrake (usually by pulling a lever) and remove all passengers from the vehicle.
It would be best if you didn't replace a tire with someone on board because they can cause the vehicle to become unstable and slip off the jack, potentially damaging the car and inflicting bodily injury on the person fixing up the vehicle.
Set Up The Wheel Chocks
Wheel chocks or wheel wedges stop your car from moving when they're strategically placed against the wheels. Use them as a fail-safe for your vehicle's braking system.
Loosen The Lug Nuts
Place the wrench on individual wheel nuts and turn them counter-clockwise until you feel they're starting to get loose. Don't remove the lug nuts completely – make sure they're loose enough to remove with your fingers.
Jack The Car Up
After loosening the lug nuts on your flat, position the jack under the car to lift the bad tire off the ground. Once the tire is off the ground, it can be removed by removing the loose wheel nuts entirely.
Place The Spare Tire
After removing the faulty tire, replace it with a spare one. Install the lug nuts and turn them in the clockwise direction to tighten them up. You can use both your fingers and lug wrench for this purpose.
Lower Your Car
Once you have secured the new tire with the wheel nuts, lower your car and further tighten the nuts. Remove the jack and wheel chocks and you'll be ready to continue your journey!
Remember, you can always contact a mobile auto repair service for professional help with tire changes.
As the son and grandson of mechanics, I spent much of my child hood under the hood of many cars. I have listened and learned about so many different problems and how to repair them effectively. I created this blog to cover as many car problems as possible without overwhelming readers. You will find tips for troubleshooting, advice for when to take it to a professional and suggestions for when to stop driving the car or truck immediately to prevent further and more costly damage. We hope that you find all of this information helpful and useful, allowing you to have a great running car.